
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Insanity has Begun!


Yes, you read that correct - I'm insane!  Insanity is kicking my butt! I thought I was in shape at least to some extent, but this program is telling me I was so NOT!

Hubby & I started on Wednesday evening with our Fit Test - yes, this happened to be after hosting a Norwex party & drinking a couple of glasses of wine but he could not wait! So, I bucked up & did the test! Here's what we got:

Switch Kicks - me = 50; Nick = 60
Power Jacks - me = 40; Nick = 48
Power Knees - me = 62; Nick = 85
Power Jumps - me = 21; Nick = 30
Globe Jumps - me = 4; Nick = 6
Suicide Jumps - me = 5; Nick = 10
Push-up Jacks - me = 20 (just jacks); Nick = 18
Low Plank Oblique - me = 23; Nick = 44

The suicide jumps & push-up jacks I had to modify because of my shoulder!  I'm hoping to see some improvement on Day #15 when we re-take it!

Sunday we were scheduled to do Cardio Recovery - which was basically just stretching out & my legs needed that like you could NOT believe! Well, since it was easy workout, hubby suggested we do the next workout. I regretted agreeing to do that about 3 minutes in! WOW - Pure Cardio was EXTREME! But, by the time the workout was over I burned 601 calories! But, I'm not gonna lie, I was hurtin'! My legs were DONE and on FI-YA!

Now- to amp up my food choices this week! I went grocery shopping today & bought lots of healthy snacks & stuff for yummy meals so I can focus on those choices to really help these insane workouts pay off for me! This was dinner last night - DELICIOUS! It's just a chicken breast with some corn, black beans, & salsa with a little cheese on top!

What's even more amazing is that I got the hubby to try a salad over the weekend!!! Can you tell he's thrilled?!


For a little fun - today was the last day of fun activities for March is Reading Month for my girls. If you can't tell from the pic it's Wacky Wednesday - they were super fired up!! Such fun personalities on these girls!

So for WIW I was down 0.1 - big deal! But I'm okay with it. It's not up & I know my scale might take a while to show off my hard work with Insanity! Not to mention I am more sore than I have ever been in my whole life - I'm finding muscles I didn't even know existed! And....I need to get seriously better at drinking my water again! I've been slacking.

I am also following the cool kids over to Bloglovin:
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

I'm out for now - until next time ~

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

WIW....Graduation Week!

It's Hump Day! Yay! Half-way thru the week. I need the weekend right now! I have struggled so much lately with exhaustion & I'm not sure why. Possibly the time change combined with softball starting at the same time. I never sleep really great during softball season because every night my brain won't shut off on how things went, what I need to change, what we need to accomplish the next day, etc. Or maybe it's the depressing weather we are having right now in Michigan:

I mean, really? Not Cool, Michigan, NOT COOL!

Well the hubby & I have started an 8 week challenge. We are both going to push hard, weigh-in together & track them all, and eat healthy (for me trying to focus on clean eating) & we shall see who comes out the winner at the end. With that being said, we bit the bullet & ordered Insanity over the weekend. It should be on our porch in the next day or two....YIKES! I am really excited to workout with him. I've tried to get him to workout in the past SO MANY TIMES! Not because he needs to because of health reasons - he's super skinny (in fact right now he weighs 2 pounds less than I do - HATE THAT) but more because he is such a stressful person & I know it could do wonders for his stress level! He's a teacher hoping to soon become an administrator & puts an absolute extreme pressure on himself to be the BEST at everything! He's also completing his Masters project this semester which has been stressful on both of us....I mean, really, this guy has never even got a 'B' before in his life! Which is one of the many things I love about him - such a motivated individual! So, anyway, I'm excited for him to get on board & tone-up with Insanity! I need to lose & tone, he really just needs to tone! There will be days where we can't do it together because of our crazy schedules this time of the year, but most of the time we will! 

So I'm changing things up. Going to rock out Insanity for the next 60 days & will go from there! Today's WI results from last week was down just shy of a pound at 0.9. I will totally take that being this was my first experience again with TOM after having my Mirena removed after a year & a half!

Good news for me, however, is that yesterday after going twice a week since September, I graduated from Physical Therapy! And by "graduate" I mean I left with a HUGE packet of stretches & strength exercises & lots of bands to do at home on my own! I am finally at a place where I can start strengthening my arm - I mean right now the thought of sleeveless tops scares the crap right out of me! My arm is so UGLY between the odd, weak shape it is in & the scars from surgery! So, yes, I took a before picture....but I can't throw that out there until there's a difference! I'm excited. I still have a SUPER LONG ways to go before I can do my passion - throwing a softball (right now I can do little easy/short throws), pitching a softball & swinging a bat! But Someday......

Graduation Gift:

I will forever be a work in progress!


Until Next Time~

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Happy Wednesday ya'all. If you are stopping by today please follow along over there on the right - I'll return the favor! :)


So last week I committed to getting back to the basics. I had a super hectic weekend & week & am seeing that I didn't make the time I needed to prepare to take care of myself. Part of the issue is that I haven't gone grocery shopping in forever! MUST GO SOON!! This weekend we went out of town for a quick get-away & I made zero time or effort in getting in my workouts.

But, with that being said - I must say now that this is my favorite time of the year:
Yes, softball practice has started! This is the time of year my life gets crazy, hectic, stressful loaded with lots of fun & something I am passionate about! I get to be even more active at practice every day! The other problem with this is season is that I'm not released from the surgeon or my physical therapist yet to throw a ball or swing a bat - but I will get there! I'm working my big butt off at PT every session & at home - hopefully by the end of the season! 

Anyway, this week, I'm down a 0.2 or 0.4 or something like that. But at the same time, I'm feeling better & my pants feel better so maybe I'm changing & the # on the scale just isn't. Maybe I need to start getting serious about strength training too. Maybe, just maybe, I need to be better at taking my body measurements so when I need the encouragement, I can get it from there!

So, again I'm moving on. This weekend I should be able to get some planning ahead in! The planning was my biggest failure this week - I don't think I planned one meal ahead of time! During my "busy season" I have got to get better at off I go. Pinterest is such an amazing place for meal planning! I'm also going to try to focus on mostly clean recipes! 

This is what I need to change & this is what I am GOING TO CHANGE!
 Until Next Time~

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


It's hump day again & this momma still feels like she got hit by a truck semi with this horrible cold. Honestly, a cold hardly ever slows me down...but this one has seriously kicked me down! So, this week has been zero progress. I haven't even been able to work out since Sunday so my run one mile every day in March hasn't been successful for me but I promised hubby I would make up for it! Not to mention that my food choices have been horrible. Why in the world do I think that eating comfort food when I'm sick is gonna make me feel better? I mean, really, I hardly even have taste buds so what is the point in consuming the calories?

I did do somewhat better yesterday with food choices & today have every bite & taste planned out so that maybe with some kind of miracle tomorrow at my Weight Watchers meeting I can still pull off a loss. Even if it's a small one, down is down in my book!
For today's WIW - I'm up 0.1 from last week to 157.7.  Honestly, I'll take it. But, as Erin over at She's a Big Star talks about today on her blog - I am going back to basics! I had a serious talk with myself laying in bed last night about needing to go back to what I call the "Honeymoon Phase" of this lifestyle. I'm pulling back out all my WW program materials & lighting the fire again!

So in other words - WATCH OUT! I'm coming back! And on that note, I am going to think of this as a re-start. I decided 2 weeks ago at WW to stop thinking about my original starting weight there & forget about how I had lost 57 pounds before gaining some back (still saying thanks to the stupid Mirena). I am restarting with a fresh start weight from my weigh-in 2 weeks ago which was 159. Need that fresh start I think! 

In other news, for some fun this morning! It's March is Reading Month at school this month & they do lots of fun activities. Today, was crazy sock day - and my girls loved it!
Starting with going back to basics and the Honeymoon phase - yes, I do have my tracker on my desk right now!  Because to be honest I am super sick of doing this:

Until Next Time~

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monthly Challenges- Let's Go March!

Wow! I guess when it's time to step things up in life my motto is "GO BIG OR GO HOME." I have committed to three different challenges for this month, but in different areas of life. 

I've got my Run EVERY DAY In March Challenge over on Facebook. It's simple, really. I just have to run at least one mile...easy peasy, right? Yes, it should be except for the fact I have come down with a HORRIBLE cold & feel like a big gigantic truck hit me! Last night I set out to do 2 miles & once I had started knew there was no way I could manage. So, I completed my 1 mile...which will probably be the same tonight. 

The hubby & I did commit to each other that we were going to do an abs workout every night together. There is really no excuse that we can't fit this in! Last night after the abs workout I even did a legs one! Summer is coming after all!

The second challenge I am doing is one a friend of mine has put together - a 30 day marriage challenge! Today's challenge I didn't meet...I was suppose to put a note in his vehicle for him to find while driving to work but considering the fact I had been hit by a truck I didn't have time this morning to do it. So, I'll catch up on that one soon! It's been a fun challenge & very eye-opening already! 

The last challenge is one by Money Saving Mom. It's the Early To Rise Challenge for the month of March. This is great for me as I'm making that transition to getting up in the mornings to get my workouts in along with other projects and could not come at a better time with softball season starting a week from today!! The challenge is just for the weekdays & I was good on Friday, but this morning I didn't follow through again due to not feeling well.

March is here which means that summer is on it's way. I've told myself so many flippin' times before that this summer I will not be hanging around trying to hide myself again. I will not spend it afraid to wear shorts or always have on my swimsuit cover! I'm gonna rock out my workouts & come June, I'm gonna be feeling good about me so I can wear whatever I please:

Hopefully I can get some much needed rest today & wake up tomorrow feeling like a million bucks! Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to fully tackle my challenges! Of course this is the way things usually go - take something on & end up not feeling well! Ugh! 

Until Next Time~