First, I’ll start
with my WIW. This morning I was down again….to a number I haven’t seen in at
least a year! I was so happy & leapt off the scale!!! But regardless what a ## tells me, I feel amazing right now!
So I will totally
admit that I am probably the world’s biggest dork about goals & how
everyone should have goals they are working towards. I mean, if you don’t have
a goal, where are you trying to go? I am so passionate about them that last
year when I was still coaching High School Softball I had a practice on how to
set goals & how they need to be measureable with deadlines & a plan of
action. I’ve found if I, personally, don’t have a goal I just coast day-to-day
with no real purpose. I mean, let’s face it, I’m a boring person at that point
in time.
I always try to have
a fitness goal….some have a very specific deadline while others are just that I
want to be able to do it again someday & however long it takes to get there
is just what it is. For the month of May I had a challenge of running 50 miles. At first, I thought this was going to be such an easy, simple
task. I had almost 16 miles done by the 10th….and then that was my
10k race & my foot had been struggling with some pain for the two weeks
leading up to the race, so I gave myself “a few days off” which of
course turned into a week. Then, little league games really took off & I
found myself struggling to achieve this. But, I kicked things up this weekend
& with just three running days to go, I only have 10.3 miles left to hit
this goal.
If I wasn’t working
towards this goal, there are a few runs over the weekend I might have skipped
out on.
Don’t get me wrong,
I have failed over and over and over…oh wait......
and over again.
I have set goals & didn’t even get to the half-way point of achieving them.
If I was to be honest, more times than not, I have probably failed.
and over again.
I have set goals & didn’t even get to the half-way point of achieving them.
If I was to be honest, more times than not, I have probably failed.
But, the secret is that
I keep trying.
Right now, I am
proud to say I’ve been beating my goals! I’m winning!
One goal I’ve had
set since starting up running again was to run a mile under 10:00 again. Yes, I
totally realize to many this is the speed of a turtle. But, it isn’t for me
& I am so over comparing myself & my pace to anyone else. I did this
last night! Went out for a 3 mile run & my first mile was 9:52….I totally
said “YES” out loud & did a leap in the air….three seconds later, the
cutest baby bunny scared me & I jumped again. I was thankful it was in a
section of the road where there were no houses & no people to watch me
jumping all around! My overall pace for the 3 miles ended up at 10:18 which is
such a HUGE improvement for me!
My second goal that
I have finally acheieved: a FULL
PUSH-UP! Not on my knees! This has been one I’ve wanted to accomplish for the
longest time…since my shoulder surgery & at times, I thought it was
probably impossible. But, last night I even squeaked out 2 sets of 10….on the
second set the last few were super tough & I’m quite certain I grunted.
But, I finished.
The BEST part to me
about hitting your goal is the thought of “Success breeds success.” Like, for real,
I don’t want to stop doing push-ups. I would like to drop down to the ground
right now in my office & whip out a set. I want to put on my running shoes
& go try to bust out another fast mile or a run with an improved past.
Winning is fun!
You know I have
read, talked to, followed others who always say they are addicted to working
out. That it is the best part of their day. I always rolled my eyes, thinking “Really?”
I had the mindframe that my workouts were always going to have to be something
squeezed in my day that I would resent because I would really want to be
playing on Pinterest or watching T.V. or whatever else I could find to pass the
But, right now, I
get it. I feel this way. If I’m running in the evening, I cannot wait to go out
there & do it & think about my run all day long. In the morning, I pop
up ready to tackle my workout & give
myself such an awesome start to rock out the day.
Again, I have failed
so many times on this journey. I know I will fail again. There have been so
many times I have wanted to throw in the towel & say “Screw it; I’m clearly
meant to be fat & unhealthy.”
But, in the end, I
knew I wanted “it.” I wanted the kind of healthy lifestyle where I get up in
the morning feeling incredible with a list of goals to accomplish & when I
lay my head on the pillow at night I can smile with satisfaction & pride
& that sense of accomplishment.
Currently, I am almost struggling with the feeling of bragging or of sharing too many victories in some of the groups I'm in. That feeling that everyone wants to tell you just to shut up or that she has it all put together & doesn't need the group! But, I need the group as much as everyone else does. My hopes in
sharing my winnings & failings daily with groups I am in, is that I can inspire someone else
to keep going. I can be an example. If you fail, get back up. If plan A didn’t work, try B….and if
you have to, work up to letter Z. I might be up to doubled up letters at this
point in time.
I want to share the MAGIC!
I want to share the MAGIC!
Until Next Time~