
Thursday, January 31, 2013

I Can't.....

First of all....yesterday for Weigh-in Wednesday my scale read 155.6. Thursday is my Weight Watchers meeting day & I always step on my scale at home in the morning to have a little insight on what their scale will read. read 152.8! How happy ecstatic was I??!

Yesterday I also was a rockstar about squeezing in some exercise since I did not get my lazy butt outta bed in the morning! While my girls were eating their super fast supper (because we only have about 30 minutes by the time we walk in the door until the time we have to leave) before running them to AWANA I did TurboFire HIIT 15....holy amazeballs! That was a super tough 15 minutes! Then, after dropping them off at church I had my pitching sessions. While my High School girls were warming up with their drills I quickly ran a mile on the indoor track around our gym. I started wondering if I would be able to do a mile without walking since it has been FOREVER for me with running like that. Um...yes, I rocked it. I got done & my girls were super impressed that I had already ran a mile. It was 10:16 for a time. I was happy with that time but the best part was that I felt fantastic & if I had the time I so could have gone much further! 

Okay...moving on to today's topic of "I Can't." When I'm coaching my high school softball girls, I live by the rule of "Can't is a swear word." It's simply not allowed. Nothing bugs me more when you tell them some feedback on how to do something or what to do & without trying they say, "I can't."

If one of my girls say it they have to do push-ups, or run, or whatever I'm in the mood for that day. Why? Because you CAN. You can do it, you might need to work harder than the girl next to you, it might take you longer to learn it or master it, you might fail the first 100 times, but if you try hard enough & never give up you CAN do it.

Last night I was working with my niece who is in 8th grade on pitching. She has not loved pitching over the years but has worked on it to be an extra pitcher for her teams because she is an athlete. She has expressed some interest in wanting to work a little harder on it now but seriously was struggling with her confidence - she is used to things/sports coming very natural to her. Time after time of pushing her, encouraging her, explaining to her....she got IT. She got what I have been trying to tell her for two years. She accomplished what she told me she could not do & what she thought was impossible. I am not sure I have seen her so fired up, so confident, so happy. There was a fire, a passion, that was burning so bright when we were done.

I left smiling myself. I left thinking about how that is one of my most favorite parts of coaching. When you take an athlete who does what she said was impossible & they accomplish it & then you watch that fire & passion explode & she pushes herself even further than before. It made me think about all the times she told me "I can't. It's impossible." This turned to me wondering why I don't hold myself up to the same standards I expect out of my athlete? How can I preach something that I don't follow? 

I thought about how many flippin' times in a day I hear myself say that I can't do something or that it's impossible. Really? Wow, Krisha, ever hear the term "Practice what you preach." 

So, I am gonna. No more I can't do something. Because I can. I might fail numerous times. It might take me a heck of a lot longer to do something than the next person, but darn-it I CAN do it! I can lose this weight. I can do my half-marathon in 2013. I can get to my goal weight & maintain it. All I really have to do is try. And Try Hard. 

Until Next Time~

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Another Weigh-in Wednesday!


Okay here we are already! I am linking up again! I really cannot believe it's hump day! Life has been hectic. My weight loss isn't fantastic today but when your a momma sometimes life happens & schedules get screwed up!

 The scale this morning read: 

 So I'm down 0.2 from last week. I will take it. I had great plans this week for my workouts, my eating, all that good stuff, but had some events/problems come up that altered it. I did do great Friday - which is a huge victory for me! Saturday, I also planned fairly well during the day. Then, I went out with two girlfriends to a local winery we wanted to check out...always been a beer girl, but I am really started to like wine!

 This was my fave I bought from the winery, and yes, I did had to have a glass last night...just a small one!

Anyway, my youngest daughter ended up breaking out in a rash from head to toe Sunday afternoon. So, instead of getting in my workout on Sunday and/or getting ANY of my housework/laundry done we ended up taking her to the ER after my softball workouts. They are thinking it was an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin she was on for an ear infection but will need to get some testing done. My workout Monday evening got interrupted as well...a four year who is itchy & incredibly crabby due to taking Benadryl every six hours makes for a horrible evening, or also known as an evening where everyone walks around on eggshells near her.  Her feet were so broke out & bothered her so badly that she couldn't/wouldn't walk. I had to carry her everywhere around the house.

But, she's starting to feel a little better. Last night I got in another TurboFire workout & my adorable girlies did it with me! They thought it was an absolute blast! Well Laynee tried to join us, but I kept making her sit down because I was worried about her turning into a giant hive again!
I seriously do think TurboFire is So. Much. Fun. Why the heck do I talk myself out of doing it?! With that being said, it will be much more fun when I can actually use my right arm/shoulder fully though!

So, with a hectic week of doc appointments for my girls, my physical therapy appointments, softball workouts, work....blah, blah, blah, I will take being down 0.2. I made some changes this week. I think they will show up on the scale soon. Until then, I will keep on keep' on keepin' on because that is all I can do!

until next time~

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Weigh-in Wednesday....Failed!


It's Wednesday. It's hump day. It's weigh-in day. It's not a good weigh-in day. I'm up....I'm up 0.6 to 155.8 this week. Ugh! Why, oh why, do I do this to myself?

The good news is that after the weekend I had I jumped on my scale Monday morning & was horribly upset to see I was up to 157. So, I guess I did do some damage control over the past three days. But, I'm tired of that cycle. Really tired of it.

I have lost before. I lost 55 pounds on Weight Watchers. I maintained that loss for almost two years before I let it rise again. I know how to do it. I have ALL THE TOOLS to do it. It's like I need a reset button on my mind & a fresh start. Maybe I need to forget I have lost that weight. Maybe I just need to think of me starting now from 155.8 and going back down. Forget the past journey & start this one out on a new path, a new road, a new starting weight of 155.8 instead of the original ## in my mind of 197.

I do know that one big huge difference from before to now that I really realize is that when I was losing successfully, I was at the top of my "list." I was a top priority. No, that doesn't mean I forgot about my hubby or my girls or the house or my job. But, I made my workouts a SUPER DUPER TOP PRIORITY and NEVER let myself get too busy taking care of anything or anyone else get in the way of that.

This weekend I let that happen a million several times....Saturday I couldn't work out in the morning because I had to take Laynee to the med center for an ear infection. I knew that Friday night when I went to bed - I could have set my alarm to get up a little earlier & get my workout done. I didn't. Then, my day was so packed full I could not get one in. Sunday, I actually did set my alarm to get up & workout in the morning before church & before all my housework & laundry & softball practice. I shut it off. I didn't get up. Before, I would have gotten my butt outta bed & gotten it done.

So, this week my goal is to make ME a priority. Ask for help if I need it. I need to do what I need to do again....starting now.

One pic before I run off. I took my oldest daughter, Jacee, to the eye doc yesterday because she has been struggling with headaches at school a lot lately. Sure enough, this sassy little chic needs some specs. It took her forever to pick out the ones she wanted, but we let her do it on her own! She definitely was into the sassy fashionable ones! She cannot wait for them to get in!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

It's Tuesday....

So.....this weekend I was lazy, I was very bad on my eating....and now I've spent the past two days trying to make up for it! Why, oh why, in the heck do I do this to myself??

Last night was my first time running three miles since probably this summer when I had to stop running. It was brutal, my pace was HORRIBLE! But, I did it. I kept moving & I got to the distance I told myself I would before I started running! It was super fun because I got to try out my new polar HRM that I just got!! Look at my burn! :)

So this weekend I was horrible, but we had a great weekend! My youngest daughter, Laynee, wanted her ears pierced when we were at the mall. She had them done when she was 3, but one fell out when my husband & I were gone to Florida for a wedding & the little stinker wouldn't let anyone put it back in so they closed up! She is my "wimpy" girl but jumped up there & insisted on getting them done! She's a doll, what can I say?
She also had her first friend birthday party this weekend for a girl in her class! Oh, she was so super excited!! Of course, a diva MUST wear a dress to a party!
Where in the world are the pics of my oldest daughter? I must get better at that! :( 
Speaking of my little miss Jacee - just took her to the eye doctor today because she has been struggling with headaches A TON lately & she has to get glasses. So, we are headed tonight to pick some out so tomorrow I will post a pic of her in her sassy specs!

Until Next Time~

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Weigh-in Wednesday Again!

Cannot believe it's Wednesday again already!! Where did the week go?


Well, today's weigh-in was better than last week.  Last week I was 156.3

Down 1.1 from last week! I didn't do everything I told myself I was going to do this week. I didn't track like I promised I would. I didn't work out as much as I would.

But, for the first time in my life, I'm actually drinking all my water in a day! It is a serious miracle for me! Now, for the number of trips I make in a day to the bathroom - it's steps on my fitbit every day! I also really made some much smarter food choices & as a family, we didn't dine out at all this week with the exception of Applebee's in which I made a super smart choice! 

I have increased my activity, although I am still so guilty of using lame excuses. Yes, my main excuse this week was that my shoulder pain was awful. Granted, it truly was for two days after my first real kick-my-butt rehab session on Monday, but really I can at least walk. So over my own excuses. When will I realize I am only cheating myself?

Oh well! For now, the scale is down and I'm finally making a healthy habit of drinking my H2O and increasing my steps on my fitbit on the way to the bathroom a million times a day! Maybe it's just because I love my new water bottle! Ohh...the simple things in life!
 And for fun - my adorable oldest daughter because I love her outfit today & wish I could rock it like she is!

Until Next Time~

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Weigh-in Wednesday - Frusteration?


So here we go - it is hump day, or also known as Weigh-in Wednesday. Last week I was 155.9 and ready to kick the crap out of the scale for this week. I did stay mostly on-plan this week. I didn't track seriously like I said I would...why is this so hard to do? Regardless, my food plan was very good this week!

Exercise - super excited here because hubby let me buy a treadmill on Sunday!! I used my Christmas bonus gift cards from work and that store had a decent one on sale. No, it's not the top of the line or anything, but it is everything I need it to be and will make running in Michigan as a full-time working momma a heck of a lot easier! So, after not being able to workout since the end of the summer due to my shoulder, I ran/walked on it Monday evening & it felt AMAZING to sweat again! I only got in 2.3 miles but I know it's gonna take some time for me to work back up to my "short" runs being a solid four miles. Tuesday morning I got up early and only did 20 minutes on it - my shoulder was quite sore & I'm being honest with myself on not pushing & overdoing the shoulder recovery. But, either way, I got in some exercise & felt GREAT! 

Then, I stepped on the scale this morning & it was up.....
0.4 from last week but up 1.4 from yesterday morning? What? I was instantly upset. I sat there going back through my week trying to figure out where I had gone wrong. 

But, then I told myself to chill, tomorrow it can be better. Maybe I'm just bloated, maybe it's my body getting used to working out again, maybe I consumed too much sodium. 

But, maybe today I can just do better. Maybe today I can REALLY TRY to get all my water in. Maybe today I can try to go for a little walk on my treadmill (depending on my arm - so far it hasn't been a very good shoulder day - you wouldn't believe how every move you make impacts your shoulder joint/muscles). Maybe today I can track my food seriously - not the little chicken scratch way I typically do it.

That darn number on the scale holds so much "weight" on us. There was a time in the past I would have stepped off that scale & said "Screw it! My on-plan choices aren't working anyway." Then, I would have spend the remainder of the day consuming way too many calories! Yes, that number is important. It's important to me and to my health. It's a guide that gives me constant feedback - feedback that at times makes me want to pick up the scale & smash it into a million pieces while other times I want to kiss it. But it doesn't define me. I'm not happy with it this week, but it is what it is. It has me confused. But, I can never understand why sometimes it goes up & sometimes it goes down so I'm gonna say that next week it WILL go down and today & tomorrow, I will do better.

Until Next Time

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year...New Goals

It is the start of a new it time to make new goals? I will not call them resolutions. Resolutions are made to be broken in my eyes! That would be setting myself up for complete failure.

Goals, I like goals. Everyone should have a goal, something they are working towards. What are my goals for 2013? I don't have them completely figure out quite yet. Such as the title of my blog, I am a work in progress!

Here is what I have so far:

Become a better mom: I need to spend more quality time with my girls. Stop the laundry, it is going to be there fact there will be more there anyway! I am talking about the time spent playing board games, watching their movies, dance parties, the simple fun things they love that I often claim to be too busy to do.  Some day they will no longer want to dance with me and will be dancing with boys!

Here's a picture from their super adorable concert the other day! Like they are completely adorable?!

Saving $$. It's time for me to grow up financially. It is time for me to develop a budget and actually stick with it! It is time for me to learn how to save money and stop wasting it away on seriously stupid stuff that we do not want or need. This is the year where I will start paying down the debt we have on our loans!

Fitness. Get serious. I will tone this body this year! I will run my half-marathon in October. I do need to sit down and develop a calendar of races to keep myself going once I can actually start to run again! I will achieve my fitness goals this year. It is time to stop talking and start doing!

Eating. Time to do it better. I know that realistically I would probably not succeed if I said I wanted to go all clean eating. However, it is time to cut down on the processed junk we eat at home. It is also time for me to start planning meals out ahead of time and cooking at home. I mean, come one, I have 800 recipes pinned on Pinterest....I would say it is time to start using what I pin as opposed to just the act of pinning!

Be a better wife. Isn't that the most obvious & most important? I used to think my girls needed to come first. That was until I read somewhere recently that my relationship with my husband should be first - some day my kids will move out of my house & it will just be the two of us. I want us to still be amazing.
 And I must add one family picture in too....because we are adorable! Don't you think?!

So here I go. This is what I have so far. These are my goals. Yes, I do need to sit down and make them more specific and make them measurable to some extent so I can eventually jump up and down when I achieve them. It will take me some time to work out all the details....again I am a simple mom who is a work in progress....

Until Next Time

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My First Weigh-in Wednesday

Here we go...a New Year! See ya 2012! That year was not a super healthy year for me! I struggled for half of it above my Weight Watchers goal weight & back to paying at meetings! Totally NOT cool! I had some struggles - shoulder surgery in the first part of November & from summer on had to stop running due to the pain being so awful. However, I should not have allowed myself to use that as an excuse - um...Hello, you can still focus on eating the right foods! But I didn't. 


So MOVING on! I'm doing my first ever link-up with Erin & Alex for Weigh-in Wednesday to keep myself more accountable! Last Wednesday my scale read 154.4...this is what I saw this morning:
Ugh! Really? But what do you expect when you consumed six beers, or maybe eight, okay fine, more than that for New Years Eve! Luckily, consuming a LOT of water yesterday helped my scale somewhat this morning. But, I am really over the self-sabotage. I do this every weekend. So good during the week & I spend the weekends ruining it all! DONE! If I really want to get to my goal weight, I need to make some true lifestyle changes - so here we go!

My plan for this week to make certain next week's scale is lower:
  • chug my water! I'm seriously SO BAD AT THIS!
  • Track, Track, Track! Why is this so hard? I have proven to myself in the past this makes a huge difference! 
  • Move more! Now that I've been cleared to start doing some exercise by my surgeon I'm ready! Obviously can't do much with my right arm, but the rest of my body can move darn-it!
  • And the little weekly challenge by Erin & Alex - minus the planks (shoulder is not ready for those)
So I have my plan, I'm ready to rock! I will be kicking the crap out of my scale this week! Just wait & see! 

Until Next Time! 