
Thursday, January 31, 2013

I Can't.....

First of all....yesterday for Weigh-in Wednesday my scale read 155.6. Thursday is my Weight Watchers meeting day & I always step on my scale at home in the morning to have a little insight on what their scale will read. read 152.8! How happy ecstatic was I??!

Yesterday I also was a rockstar about squeezing in some exercise since I did not get my lazy butt outta bed in the morning! While my girls were eating their super fast supper (because we only have about 30 minutes by the time we walk in the door until the time we have to leave) before running them to AWANA I did TurboFire HIIT 15....holy amazeballs! That was a super tough 15 minutes! Then, after dropping them off at church I had my pitching sessions. While my High School girls were warming up with their drills I quickly ran a mile on the indoor track around our gym. I started wondering if I would be able to do a mile without walking since it has been FOREVER for me with running like that. Um...yes, I rocked it. I got done & my girls were super impressed that I had already ran a mile. It was 10:16 for a time. I was happy with that time but the best part was that I felt fantastic & if I had the time I so could have gone much further! 

Okay...moving on to today's topic of "I Can't." When I'm coaching my high school softball girls, I live by the rule of "Can't is a swear word." It's simply not allowed. Nothing bugs me more when you tell them some feedback on how to do something or what to do & without trying they say, "I can't."

If one of my girls say it they have to do push-ups, or run, or whatever I'm in the mood for that day. Why? Because you CAN. You can do it, you might need to work harder than the girl next to you, it might take you longer to learn it or master it, you might fail the first 100 times, but if you try hard enough & never give up you CAN do it.

Last night I was working with my niece who is in 8th grade on pitching. She has not loved pitching over the years but has worked on it to be an extra pitcher for her teams because she is an athlete. She has expressed some interest in wanting to work a little harder on it now but seriously was struggling with her confidence - she is used to things/sports coming very natural to her. Time after time of pushing her, encouraging her, explaining to her....she got IT. She got what I have been trying to tell her for two years. She accomplished what she told me she could not do & what she thought was impossible. I am not sure I have seen her so fired up, so confident, so happy. There was a fire, a passion, that was burning so bright when we were done.

I left smiling myself. I left thinking about how that is one of my most favorite parts of coaching. When you take an athlete who does what she said was impossible & they accomplish it & then you watch that fire & passion explode & she pushes herself even further than before. It made me think about all the times she told me "I can't. It's impossible." This turned to me wondering why I don't hold myself up to the same standards I expect out of my athlete? How can I preach something that I don't follow? 

I thought about how many flippin' times in a day I hear myself say that I can't do something or that it's impossible. Really? Wow, Krisha, ever hear the term "Practice what you preach." 

So, I am gonna. No more I can't do something. Because I can. I might fail numerous times. It might take me a heck of a lot longer to do something than the next person, but darn-it I CAN do it! I can lose this weight. I can do my half-marathon in 2013. I can get to my goal weight & maintain it. All I really have to do is try. And Try Hard. 

Until Next Time~

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