
Monday, February 25, 2013

Mirena is Out!

I told my hubby a couple of months ago that I was starting to wonder if my Mirena was partially to blame for my weight gain I had experienced over the past year and the fact that no matter what I did, I could not seem to lose the weight! I started researching it & talking to other women & found that this could possibly be the case. Then, I looked up my older Weight Watchers weigh-in books & found that the extra 10-15 pounds I was struggling with was in fact gained right after having the Mirena. Since I had made no progress & was quite certain I was having a handful of other side effects, the darn thing was taken out on Friday. Praying that this is, in fact, the answer to some of my moodiness & blah moods as well. Never been a moody chic, but have been feeling horrible about this lately. Especially because my adorable girls get the worst of it sometimes!

So, we are going to keep working on this! Take it day by day & see if we can start to feel better! This journey is about a healthy lifestyle, not about being skinny. The number on the scale isn't the most important factor for me, it's how I feel. For the past year I haven't felt good about me. I have gone back to hiding myself & have lost some of the self-confidence I had gained.

I want to be the best me I can be. The best wife, the best mom, the best daughter, the best sister, the best aunt, the best friend. I can only be the best when I feel the best. So this is what I am going to do:

I will achieve the best me I can be....soon.

Until Next Time~


  1. Yay! So glad you had it out. I know it works for some women, but serious--that Mireana is a giant B! Hope you start feeling better soon.

    1. Thank you for chatting with me about it Stephanie! Was going to send you a FB message & let you know that the doc was super awesome about taking it out w/out hardly any questions! It is definitely a major B!! Thank you again!
