I've got my Run EVERY DAY In March Challenge over on Facebook. It's simple, really. I just have to run at least one mile...easy peasy, right? Yes, it should be except for the fact I have come down with a HORRIBLE cold & feel like a
The hubby & I did commit to each other that we were going to do an abs workout every night together. There is really no excuse that we can't fit this in! Last night after the abs workout I even did a legs one! Summer is coming after all!
The second challenge I am doing is one a friend of mine has put together - a 30 day marriage challenge! Today's challenge I didn't meet...I was suppose to put a note in his vehicle for him to find while driving to work but considering the fact I had been hit by a truck I didn't have time this morning to do it. So, I'll catch up on that one soon! It's been a fun challenge & very eye-opening already!
The last challenge is one by Money Saving Mom. It's the Early To Rise Challenge for the month of March. This is great for me as I'm making that transition to getting up in the mornings to get my workouts in along with other projects and could not come at a better time with softball season starting a week from today!! The challenge is just for the weekdays & I was good on Friday, but this morning I didn't follow through again due to not feeling well.
March is here which means that summer is on it's way. I've told myself so many flippin' times before that this summer I will not be hanging around trying to hide myself again. I will not spend it afraid to wear shorts or always have on my swimsuit cover! I'm gonna rock out my workouts & come June, I'm gonna be feeling good about me so I can wear whatever I please:
Hopefully I can get some much needed rest today & wake up tomorrow feeling like a million bucks! Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to fully tackle my challenges! Of course this is the way things usually go - take something on & end up not feeling well! Ugh!
Until Next Time~
Good luck with your challenge! And I absolutely love that bathing suit you posted - super cute! New reader here -- check my blog out @ runninglikeamother.com :)