Blessed. Inspired. Motivated.
Yes, magic is what you could say.
It is so feel terrified down to your body is filled with fear...your body almost shakes with anxiety as your mind races.
That is how it feels when you try to force yourself to take that first step out of your super cozy & warm comfort zone.
But, all you need is a baby step to get started. That is it. A tiny step outside that zone.
And then magic happens.
You grow. You inspire others to grow. You find inspiration & become someone's inspiration. You get back so much if you are willing to take that step outside of your comfort zone.
I was terrified sharing publicly my blog. I was stripping myself down & saying "here is Krisha." I believe, in life, we all feel we have to show an image. An image that might not be true to who we really are. In my hometown, I was a "Larson," I was suppose to have a certain kind of "perfect" life, certain interests, certain friends, certain clothes, certain beliefs. Over the years, I did become used to people looking at me and seeing who they thought I should be or who they thought I was. But, it bothered me.....mostly... because I did not know who I was.
I think we all search to find ourselves, create ourselves, define ourselves. It is a scary process. Especially because some don't want to see the real you. Some will leave your journey. While others will just refuse to see you at all.
But, none of this happens without stepping outside that comfort zone. That first step can be a journey of a million miles. My daily goal is to always be better than the person I was yesterday. A better woman. A better mom. A better daughter & sister. A better friend. A better runner. A stronger faith. I am inspired to be healthier, stronger & faster. Better. Constant growth. But in order for any of this to happen, I have to push myself. I have to give myself the opportunity to grow. I have to give myself the chance to fail, the chance to fall hard, the chance to get back up after being knocked down. I have to allow myself the chance to be successful, to dream, to think big & to look past the "box" of simple.
Some of the messages I have received since sharing my post have brought tears to my eyes. They made my step worth it.
Truthfully, those messages were needed today. A day where I re-read my own words a 100 times... sometimes you realize you might have lost some friendships already, but sometimes that slap in the face you get about how far gone you have to move away to shield yourself from continued hurt or let-down does make for days of loneliness, days of memories you push distant & the feelings of hurt when you thought they would always be there. But, this is life. It is not always pretty, not always easy & can feel, at times, like a constant uphill struggle. But, you keep moving. You keep pushing forward.
Speaking of uphill struggle....running. The relationship that always gives you more than it ever takes! I enjoyed my first outside winter run this morning. Umm...we can use the word brutal. My lungs were heavy & the gusts of wind made me feel like the weakest woman ever! I got in 3.2 miles at a pace of 10:29 which I thought would be WAY slower. I focused on the changes from my running coach & physical therapist and finally began to feel comfortable with those changes! I have gigantic running goals for 2015. 100 days of running for 2015, 100 miles ran in January, 40 day run streak....all leading up to what will more than likely be my last full marathon ever (thinking we will go back to half marathons after this one) in October. Races are planned out. Still working on tweaking my training plan a little to fit ME! That is the great thing about this past year - I have learned a lot about what works best for me & my body & can tweak accordingly!
I need visual reminders of my goals. I need to see daily where I am at achieving these goals. I have to keep it visual so I don't forget what I wanted to achieve on those days that I just don't wanna!
So, my friends, push yourself outside that comfort zone! Allow yourself to be inspired & to inspire. Set some goals, big or small. The great things about goals is even when you fall short of it, you still won because you tried! As for me, I'll be here running through life as raw and real as one can.
Until Next Time~
Yes, magic is what you could say.
It is so feel terrified down to your body is filled with fear...your body almost shakes with anxiety as your mind races.
That is how it feels when you try to force yourself to take that first step out of your super cozy & warm comfort zone.
But, all you need is a baby step to get started. That is it. A tiny step outside that zone.
And then magic happens.
You grow. You inspire others to grow. You find inspiration & become someone's inspiration. You get back so much if you are willing to take that step outside of your comfort zone.
I was terrified sharing publicly my blog. I was stripping myself down & saying "here is Krisha." I believe, in life, we all feel we have to show an image. An image that might not be true to who we really are. In my hometown, I was a "Larson," I was suppose to have a certain kind of "perfect" life, certain interests, certain friends, certain clothes, certain beliefs. Over the years, I did become used to people looking at me and seeing who they thought I should be or who they thought I was. But, it bothered me.....mostly... because I did not know who I was.
I think we all search to find ourselves, create ourselves, define ourselves. It is a scary process. Especially because some don't want to see the real you. Some will leave your journey. While others will just refuse to see you at all.
But, none of this happens without stepping outside that comfort zone. That first step can be a journey of a million miles. My daily goal is to always be better than the person I was yesterday. A better woman. A better mom. A better daughter & sister. A better friend. A better runner. A stronger faith. I am inspired to be healthier, stronger & faster. Better. Constant growth. But in order for any of this to happen, I have to push myself. I have to give myself the opportunity to grow. I have to give myself the chance to fail, the chance to fall hard, the chance to get back up after being knocked down. I have to allow myself the chance to be successful, to dream, to think big & to look past the "box" of simple.
Some of the messages I have received since sharing my post have brought tears to my eyes. They made my step worth it.
"I love that you're as raw as reality is."
"You are an inspiration, and motivator, and badass that very few people have!"
"So beautifully written & inspiring."
"Thanks for being real."
"You are some kind of inspirational."
"All I can say is that's the girl I remember."
"You have such strength & are such a role model for your girls."
"Such a great mind, spirit, mama, person you are!"
"What a beautiful post."
"You are the woman we all wish to be."
"Thank you so much for sharing."
Truthfully, those messages were needed today. A day where I re-read my own words a 100 times... sometimes you realize you might have lost some friendships already, but sometimes that slap in the face you get about how far gone you have to move away to shield yourself from continued hurt or let-down does make for days of loneliness, days of memories you push distant & the feelings of hurt when you thought they would always be there. But, this is life. It is not always pretty, not always easy & can feel, at times, like a constant uphill struggle. But, you keep moving. You keep pushing forward.
Speaking of uphill struggle....running. The relationship that always gives you more than it ever takes! I enjoyed my first outside winter run this morning. Umm...we can use the word brutal. My lungs were heavy & the gusts of wind made me feel like the weakest woman ever! I got in 3.2 miles at a pace of 10:29 which I thought would be WAY slower. I focused on the changes from my running coach & physical therapist and finally began to feel comfortable with those changes! I have gigantic running goals for 2015. 100 days of running for 2015, 100 miles ran in January, 40 day run streak....all leading up to what will more than likely be my last full marathon ever (thinking we will go back to half marathons after this one) in October. Races are planned out. Still working on tweaking my training plan a little to fit ME! That is the great thing about this past year - I have learned a lot about what works best for me & my body & can tweak accordingly!
I need visual reminders of my goals. I need to see daily where I am at achieving these goals. I have to keep it visual so I don't forget what I wanted to achieve on those days that I just don't wanna!
So, my friends, push yourself outside that comfort zone! Allow yourself to be inspired & to inspire. Set some goals, big or small. The great things about goals is even when you fall short of it, you still won because you tried! As for me, I'll be here running through life as raw and real as one can.
Until Next Time~
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