
Thursday, April 2, 2015

I Found My Secret!

Lately, I have missed many, many workouts. Sick kids, crazy schedules & way behind from missing so much work - yes, excuses you could call them.

(So I need to go back to my "NO EXCUSES" way of life!)

During this time period of me missing, I have been lacking energy, I've been overwhelmingly stressed out, I have been stuck in a negative way of thinking. I have not been me. 

Yesterday I left work with the weather being a gorgeous sunny 60 degree in Michigan. I rushed to pick up my girls & we arrived home to change our clothes & all get outside. I ran our neighborhood while the girls played basketball & rode bikes along my side. 

I told myself that this quick block of time was about me. Just me. I forced myself to let go of the stuff I left on my desk at work. I forgot about the piles around my house.

I allowed myself to get lost in my music; in the words, in the beat.

It was perfect.
It was needed.

When I was done, I felt energized all over again; I felt the stress leave my shoulders. 

More importantly, when I crawled into bed last night, I gave myself a pat on the back for a job well done. Because. Because I got a few things accomplished throughout the day. Because I tried my best.

Guess what happened next? I woke up at 4:04 a.m., exactly thirty minutes before my alarm was to begin yelling for my morning workout. I woke up feeling positive & ready to tackle my day.

Guess what came next? You are right: a solid four mile run along with squats, some plank work & a heck of a session with my foam roller (that is a love/hate relationship there!). 
Chase Infinite tank reads: "She who never surrenders is unstoppable"

More importantly, I was ready to tackle my day today. I am moving putting one foot in front of the other with a smile as I tackle those items on my desk at work, soon I'll be tackling my coaching duties this afternoon followed by some house tasks this evening. 

Simply because I took time for me. I gave myself the gift of self-care; of my relaxation time. Because I felt accomplished this morning before 6 a.m. Because working out fuels my mind in a positively strong way.

Because that early morning time where my house is quiet & still is a gift to me. It is a time where I only have to answer to myself. There is no one else to demand anything from me. It is simply just about me.

This is my secret. To stay positive, to stay strong, to keep moving forward, to keep being me, to stay sane: be active!

Until Next Time~

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