
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Mental Side Of Running & Me

So, as I have mentioned in the past, I also coach High School Varsity Softball. One of the biggest ideas I preach to my softball girls is that the game is mostly mental. If you are weak mentally, you will fail. My main saying to them is, "I can, I will, I'm GONNA." So much that one year we had it printed on the back of our t-shirts. We don't even need to mention the millions of times I have talked about visualizing success.

SO................If I preach it, why don't I practice it?! Ever since I have started running again...or trying to get running again...since having my shoulder surgery last winter my mental game has been my BIGGEST weakness. I never give myself credit, I continually knock myself down. Instead of saying, "wow Krisha, you did great today. You got done 3 miles without any walk breaks," I will say "wow Krisha, you used to be able to run 3 miles faster." I know this is doing absolutely NO good for me. Not to mention while running, I will hear myself say "you can't complete this run today, you have gotten so out of shape." Instead of something positive, "your body is strong, you can finish today."

I'm preparing my mental game this week for my first half-marathon on Sunday because right now I know this is my weakness. Yes, I will admit & I do know that I'm not in as good of shape as I was a year ago. But, there are reasons for that! When I was finally able to start running again once I was healed from surgery, it was starting all the way back over again! So, I am forgetting how fast I once could run a mile (which, in way is it really fast...but I was proud of it) & I am no longer remembering how far I could go without a break.

Here are some of my mantras I am reading again & again this week!

Love this first one!
 A little different take on the I'm Possible idea:

 Unfortunately, this one is my biggest fear! Because I didn't "train" really & I wish I would have now. But I'm sure there will be another half in my day! 

Today is WIW....the scale & I are still on a break-up. I plan to weigh-in at the end of the month. But, I can tell you that I've lost inches. My jeans fit much better & my belts have all gone down a hole! 

Weigh In Wedneday


  1. Excellent post! Hope the scale is kind to you when you do weigh in!

  2. I have the same mental game going on right now. I am not as fast as I was last year due to injuries. Good luck Sunday. You are gonna do great. Just keep giving yourself those pep talks.
