
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Asking the Hard Questions


Do you have any idea how many times I ask myself this question every single day? I should really count them in a day to see how bad it really is. I seem to have zero self-control lately in any area of life.

I sat myself down & had a very long heart-to-heart talk & found the questions I need to ask myself. 

Why do I keep sabotaging myself?
Why do I choose the foods that I know are not right?
Why do I choose the foods that will make me feel awful?
Why do I choose to shove the food in my mouth after I tell myself how bad it is?
Why can't I seem to pick something that is healthy or in my calorie/point range?
Why don't I want to feel good?
Why do I pull myself in the opposite direction of success?
Why don't I take a little bit of time in the day to plan to set myself up for success tomorrow?
Why don't I put to use all the tools I have for this healthy lifestyle?
Why don't I see my excuses are only hurting me?

What am I afraid of?
Am I scared to lose it and gain some back again?
Am I afraid I can't lose it so if I don't REALLY try than I didn't fail?
When will I fully realize that food does not make me feel better about myself, a situation or life in general?
When will I realize junk food does not give me energy & that Reese's peanut butter cups are not the answer to the 3:00 afternoon wall I hit?
Why don't I realize the only person I'm cheating or failing is myself?
When will I truly make this a lifestyle versus a diet?
When will I start really living life instead of trying to cover myself up on the sidelines?

But maybe the best question is:
Why don't I believe in myself? 

I've struggled for as long as I can remember with my weight. Okay, not fully in high school because I was so active playing sports. But, even then, I wasn't overweight but always felt so much bigger than most of my friends...partly in thanks to my thunder thighs. I'm starting to realize that my relationship with food is a much bigger problem than I ever did realize. It's time for me to dig deep inside, find my true issues & correct them. 

This will be a long journey...but once I am truly the best me, I can be the best wife, mom, sister......

Again, I'm a work in progress searching for the answers.

Until Next Time~

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