
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ugh.....Steppin' on the Scale

Totally not gonna lie today....I told myself this morning I was not going to do the Wednesday Weigh-in Link-up with Erin & Alex, I was not gonna talk about my scale this morning, I was just gonna be pissed All. Flippin'. Day.

Up...up 1.6 & back above 155 where I told myself I would not go AGAIN.

But, what person doesn't struggle when trying to lose weight? Is there really any one out there who at some point in time when losing weight doesn't want to pick up the scale & smash it into a hundred million pieces?

I really am a person who tries to always have a positive attitude. If I fail one day, I will tell myself tomorrow is a new day. If my scales goes up, despite maybe a moment of depression, I'll remind myself that next week it will go down. I preach a positive mental attitude with my softball girls so I try to live it.

But today, today, I might just stay pissed at myself. Maybe being pissed at myself will light a fire under my butt again & give me the kick in it that it  obviously needs. This week came down to several choices & I made some sucky choices this week! Instead of one cheat meal, I had a couple, and some beers, and etc.

I am starting to think I might need a new & fresh approach. I have spent the past few days doing some research on clean eating. I will not lie that it scares me! I am not planning on going 100% clean, but focusing on it at least most of the time. The hardest part for me is my hubby & girls.....what in the heck will they eat? So, I'm gonna transition slowly & start changing things around the house & see how it goes. See how I feel & see if it gives my body a jumpstart because that is needed! Thinking I just need something different.

The biggie - okay this is HUGE for me. I just committed to Erin over at She's a Big Star that I'm gonna go ONE WEEK with NO diet coke! Can I do it? I've been able to go a day or two without one but never longer than that. This is gonna be tough for me! But I have toyed around with the idea for months of cutting it out on my life so here. I. go. I will post here throughout the week - make sure I stick with it!



  1. I am SO glad you still linked up. Honestly? I think it's more important to link up in the times of struggle than in the easy times. When I don't post about it, I find it easy to push to the back of my mind and stay off track... posting at least holds us accountable and helps us get back on track for next week!

    Girl, you're talking to a fellow diet coke lover over here... like I used to drink it all day, everyday, zero water entering my mouth. I cut it out of my diet and it's made SUCH a difference. I feel so much less bloated, even though I didn't even realize I was bloated before AND I realized that diet coke was SUCH a trigger for me. Having that soda made me crave other bad things... I never put the two together until recently but it totally clicked. I know it's not easy but I promise you it'll be worth it! Good luck and keep me posted!

  2. I have been eating clean for about a month now. I prep all my meals for work to make sure I dont eat anything off plan.

    When I cook dinner, I always serve a protein, carb, and veggie. I will just eat the protein and veggie. Like the other night I made spaghetti and meatballs. I had the meatballs with no noodles and a side salad. Its easy now but it did take a lot of willpower getting used to it.
