
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

WIW....Another F!


Here we are another week gone. Another week where the scale didn't really move. Another week that I was given an "F" for my grade. But a week that I hopes shapes tomorrow & the next day.

Got out that darn Mirena - I am pretty sure I can already tell I'm feeling better & I strongly believe its been the cause of my weight struggles over the past year! Not to mention my serious cranky pants at times! Never been a moody chic! So here we are....things will improve!

I also know that my scale might not have moved this week but when I put on my jeans yesterday- I HAD to put on my belt because my pants felt big...and the belt had to be tighter than I normally do! So things are changing even if the ## on the scale hasn't much!

So let's talk fitness goals! Over on Facebook I < 3 to Run is running a challenge for the month of March - March "RUN EVERY DAY" Challenge that I have committed to doing. All you have to do is run one mile every day. There is really NO excuse as to why I can't do that. I have a treadmill at home, at some point in time in March I should be able to run outside, so no excuse! It's simple & can be done in under ten minutes!! Plus, if that is all I get in...I won't even really have to take a shower after it! ;) When I'm really working out I feel like all I do is shower!

It is time for me to get back to setting my fitness goals & determining my schedule for them ahead of time. So here we go:
Thursday- possibly TurboFire in the morning & then running & core with my softball girls.
Friday- TurboFire in the morning & running again with my softball team
Saturday - Running - 4 miles - Morning again!
Sunday - Running 1 mile & TurboFire - MUST GET UP BEFORE CHURCH TO DO THIS!
Monday - Running 3 miles in morning
Tuesday - TurboFire in morning & running with softball girls!

No excuses! I'm ready to really start pushing my activity again!  

I completely forgot to post a pic a few weeks ago from the Daddy - Daughter Dance. I'm such a blessed momma & wife! They all had an absolute blast & both my girls danced the night away!

I'm ready to rock out this week....and next week for WIW - I WILL SHOW A LOSS!!

Until Next Time~


  1. I am interested in what happens with the mirena. I have it too. I do like it, but sometimes wonder of it keeping me fat

    1. Becky- I'm sure I will be posting additional info on here about my progress! I can tell you its only been a few weeks & I already feel A LOT LESS bloated & my mood / cranky pants is SO MUCH BETTER!!!

  2. Yeah girl, I'm right there with you... this is the week that I need to kick things up a notch and I'm ready for it! Let's do this!

    Cute pic of your hubby and girls!
