
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Do You? Are You?

It's almost midnight & awake I sit. My alarm is going off in 4ish hours for my morning workout.

But I am lost in a million thoughts. A million questions. The problem: I definitely do not have a million answers.

Do you work on you? Do you take time out of your schedule to get lost in your own thoughts, prayers, questions, memories or dreams? Do you self-check to see if there are answers or questions or maybe even dreams buried deep inside that you are keeping buried? Do you work on you?

At times I feel like I am burning the candle at both ends and in the middle in this crazy world. Do you?

Last month as I embarked on a new adventure, professional development came back into my life.  I was assigned a book to read daily with some other assignments.

I fell in love.

I fell in love with working on me. I have read the book twice already. So many areas in my life I could apply it. It stirred many things up in my mind & in my heart.

Truth is, other than writing here randomly, I have not taken the time to work on me in years & years. To develop myself. To learn more about me. To push myself. To keep growing as a woman, as a mom.

I see that I am a person afraid of the unknown, afraid to not be in control of my life but yet I also am starting to see how I have been standing in the perfect place to take a leap of faith & to grow living life truly to the fullest.  There are dreams & passions in my life that have tugged at my heart strings for years but out of fear of failure I have not allowed the dreams to become goals.

I used to believe I was not enough. Now, I feel restless & passionate & want to live a bigger life.

We were all created with a purpose. We were all created to shine. Do you know what your purpose is? Or are you like me & still searching? Do you think you might know what it is but you feel like your shoes are stuck deep in the blacktop on the road that is named "FEAR"?

I am digging deeper into me even more. Tonight I read a line that will stick with me forever:

"The enemy of taking action is the false belief of 'someday'." ~Lara Casey

Today I begin a quest. A quest of living my life on purpose. A quest of finding my "why." A quest of promising to myself to never stop working on me & never being afraid to ask myself the hard questions & dig for the answers. 

Today, I ask you:  What has been holding you back from fully living? 

My candle will keep burning at both ends & probably in the middle but with a different light. 

Until Next Time~

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