
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Hold My Hand

"I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up alone, its not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone." ~Robin Williams~

This quote strikes me every time I see it. The truth in it always gets me. 

I agree.

The other night, with big tears rolling down & eyes that were filled with total fear, my little Bear asked me questions about the surgery & after surgery that I had no answers to. I so badly wanted to give her those answers she was looking for. 

But, all I could say was...

"I don't know. But all I do know is that I will be there every single step of the way holding your hand. I won't let go."  and then we prayed. 

I laid there a bit longer holding her hand, calming her down, holding back the tears in my eyes from that look I could see deep in her eyes. 

She found comfort knowing I would be there & would not stop holding her hand. 

When I finally crawled into bed that night I thought about our conversation with tears rolling down my face. Really, some of her questions are the same ones I have & cannot be answered. We just have to have faith & take it one step at a time.  

Little does she know....when mom is holding her hand, bear is holding mom's hand too. 

I thought about this Robin Williams quote again as I have so many times. I thought about the many times I felt as if my hand was empty & I was alone when those I thought cared were never there. I thought about the times I have been surrounded by people & yet felt as if I was not there. I thought about the times I needed support & only found myself. Times I needed help getting back up, but my hand was empty. I thought about the scary roads as a mom that have been traveled alone. 

In that moment, I thanked God for giving me the strength to turn the page. I thanked Him for always picking me up when I was down & always having my hand even during the times I didn't realize He did. 

I also thanked Him for the people in my life today. Today I will say, my hand isn't empty; it is full. Today I can say I have support in all the different areas of my life. Today, I have friends that have become my family & love me for exactly who I am; the real *k*.

Next week, I will hold Laynee's hand & she will hold mine. But, my other hand will also be held by many. This time I know I have the support & know with a simple phone call, someone will be on the other end.

Today, take a hold of some one's hand that you love. Let them know their hand isn't empty, you're there to hold it in times of fear, sad times, weak times but also in the good times. Your spouse, your significant other, your sibling, your child or your friend. 

Knowing someone has your hand can be one of the most incredible feelings & something that should never be taken for granted.

Until Next Time~

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